How Can I Retain More B2B Customers?

How Can I Retain More B2B Customers?

Lead generation is extremely important, and a consistently updated blog offers many powerful ways to attract those qualified leads. But retaining your current business-to-business customers is just as important — and can be much more of a challenge.

Avoid Lead-Killing Corporate Jargon

Avoid Lead-Killing Corporate Jargon

When you’re an expert in your industry, it’s easy to fall into the habit of speaking in jargon. That’s all good when you are with your colleagues; you speak the same language. But when you’re talking to someone outside of your industry, you may as well be speaking in...
Let Your Blog Work Harder For You

Let Your Blog Work Harder For You

So your business has a blog. You post content on it fairly regularly. You may even be starting to see results trickling in! But is it enough to only post your blog to one place and hope that it will be found? Even though the mere presence of a blog can provide your...
5 Content Resolutions For The New Year

5 Content Resolutions For The New Year

What are your business resolutions for the New Year? Specifically, what are your 2015 content marketing goals? If you are not sure how you can be improving the content you produce, it is time to brainstorm ideas on making your content more effective. Check out these...