Sales Lead NurturingLead generation is extremely important, and a consistently updated blog offers many powerful ways to attract those qualified leads. But retaining your current business-to-business customers is just as important — and can be much more of a challenge.

To maintain your loyal customers’ interest, you’ll need a finessed approach that takes into account where your clients are at in every step of their involvement with your company. Your content should not be aimed at just selling but also designed to engage customers through continuous involvement with your company.

Certainly, you want to help your customers see how your solutions can solve their original problems. But once they’ve moved on and are looking at ways to grow and expand their own businesses, you want them to come back to learn how your products and services can help. To do this, it’s important to transition away from writing only about the benefits of your products and services and offer useful information that has lasting value for your customers.

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In addition to providing high-value information that they can use — whether they are actively purchasing from you or not — be sure to make all interactions with your customers valuable and memorable.

  • Over deliver. Make sure you’re meeting your customers’ expectations, and then go the extra mile. This helps ensure that you keep your word — and customers will remember for a long time how you went out of your way to help them.
  • Reward customer loyalty. It’s important to let customers know how much their continued business means to you, so it’s a great idea to set up a formal rewards program. What that looks like — a holiday gift, a promotional item, a special discount — is up to you.
  • Build community. Ask your existing customers for feedback, share their success stories, and take real action to fix failures. Customers who feel that they have a voice and believe that you will listen to their grievances are more likely to remain loyal to your business.

New leads are important, but ignore relationships with current customers at your peril. They might get tired of your constant “selling” and go to your competitor!

Keep your message fresh and relevant for customers all along the sales funnel. Contact us today to schedule a no-obligation “Vision Meeting” with an Active Blogs marketing expert, and find out how blog marketing can increase your business success.