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What are your business resolutions for the New Year? Specifically, what are your 2015 content marketing goals? If you are not sure how you can be improving the content you produce, it is time to brainstorm ideas on making your content more effective.

Check out these five content marketing resolutions that can improve your business.

Create highly original content
No one enjoys reading generic content — even if it’s about a technical subject. While brainstorming content ideas, spend time researching what is happening in your industry and which topics your audience is most interested in. Your reader should walk away from your content more informed and more engaged with your business than they were before.

Post consistently…
Keeping up with content marketing can be a struggle for any business, especially if those in charge of producing the materials have other responsibilities. But posting infrequently or inconsistently can drive away would-be prospects and alienate your business from loyal readers. Make consistent content marketing a top priority this year, and you’ll see for yourself how effective it can be.

…But post quality over quantity
If you post half-hearted content that was done in a rush and posted without a second look, your audience will notice — and it won’t be the kind of attention your business wants. Posting content for the sake of posting content is equivalent to not posting at all when the material is not up to par. If you are short on time and resources to come up with new material, repost an old topic or reference a relevant industry article. It gives your readers something to engage with without sacrificing quality.

Try new forms of content
If content such as a whitepaper is your medium of choice, consider branching out in 2015. While whitepapers are a great tool for building content, their one time nature does not encourage much engagement. Continuous content, on the other hand, establishes a relationship with the reader and promotes repeat visits. Producing content such as a weekly blog post, monthly infographics depicting industry trends, or a seasonal video or podcast can attract a loyal viewership. Creating different forms of content can also draw in a new audience and you the opportunity to repurpose the content you already have.

Don’t be afraid to have fun
We’ve all clicked into an article page only to abandon it one paragraph in. Even if your business isn’t in the most exciting industry, there are still ways to add humor and interest into your posts. Just take a look at BlendTec — a company that sells blenders. Their YouTube series, “Will it Blend?” has gone viral with millions of views as they use their products to attempt to blend everything from silly putty to an iPhone.

Content marketing will continue to thrive in 2015, and your business can thrive along with it. Add these resolutions to your business goals and make your way into a better, more profitable year.

Make content you top priority this year. Contact the professionals at Active Blogs at (800) 720-5398 or for a no-cost consultation.