Quickly landing as one of the most current in-demand TV series of 2019, “The Mandalorian” has completely taken the U.S. by storm (troopers) for very good reason.

If you have a pulse and logged into social media as of late, it’s very likely you’ve seen the flood of Baby Yoda filling your newsfeeds. If not, just google “Baby Yoda Memes” — you will not be disappointed.

As an avid Star Wars advocate myself — although not greatly impressed by some of the more recent movies in the franchise — this spinoff, I approve of 110%!

Two thumbs up. Or more, depending which galaxy you’re from.

Of course, being who I am, I recognized some lessons we can all learn about content marketing from the new hit series.

Here’s what you should know!

One from many

Most marketers are constantly straining themselves to produce enough content to fuel the top of mind awareness needed to net more sales conversations.

How did the Star Wars franchise come up with so many spin offs, series, movies — even after the originator George Lucas left the picture?

It wasn’t original imagination and a lot of strain.

They took the same pillars and principles of the very first movies and spun them in multipurpose directions.

“The Mandalorian” is an entire series that caught the attention of viewers with two key recognizable characters, a baby version of Yoda and the bounty hunter.

Not very creative if you ask me. But it gave them endless amounts of content to work with.

Take the same approach with your own content marketing strategy.

Focus on one key “pillar piece” of content you can stay consistent with each month. Use content that stems from original marketing proven to work with your prospects. Let’s say a single 500-word article, for example.

I can take that single article, and with very little additional energy, create the following:

  •  A short daily “text” post from words already created
  • A video reading the article
  • A podcast reading the article
  • Graphic/animated images with quotes from the article
  • More articles from subtopics within the single article

Each of those pieces provides even more to break down. Then, BOOM! You have enough custom content to feed your audience something new every single day. Think “Attack of the Clones.”

Feed your fans!

What made “The Mandalorian” a quick-to-rise hit?

The already existing fan base.

Now, you may not create something quite as adorable as Baby Yoda that takes you from where you’re at now to viral sensation right away. Admittingly, I wasn’t signed up on Disney+ to watch the show until I started seeing all the buzz of Baby Yoda. Several posts later and something eventually made me say, “Alright, alright, I have to check out this little dude for myself.”

You want your prospects on social having this same thought process when your content show up.

Even if it is on a micro level — you do have a fan base to extend the reach of your content marketing efforts. Don’t forget about them and don’t misunderstand the massive power there. Again, even if it’s very minimal right now.

Make sure all of your professional contacts — existing and past clients, partners, stakeholders, and fans of your business — are directly connected with you on all social media platforms where you distribute content and also follow your company page.

If they are not, you know where to start — get them all in your immediate network. They are most likely to engage and further the posts you put out.

How do you elevate this even more?

  • Direct message your fan base with posts and simply ask them if they’re willing to share.
  • Create what you already know they are excited and passionate about, and what they want more of.
  • Incentivize! There are a number of ways to do this. For example, we incentivize our audience to help us with various promotions by offering trips and cruises in exchange for help. (Btw, if you share this article and tag me in the post, I’ll enter you into our 5-day, 4-night tropical cruise giveaway we run each month!)

TEST & stay consistent

Quit trying to be the one hit wonder.

You think everything the Star Wars producers put out is immediate gold? No way. They’ve had plenty of flops in films and other series they’ve put out over the years.

There’s no magical way of telling what’s going to pop off in your marketing strategy or fail miserably until you get it out there.

And actually, both results are good.

Content marketing is about iteration as you progress and receive more data from your market. It’s never going to be a one-and-done deal. Most people who successfully get their marketing to explode at some point never continue winning because they don’t continue to test and stay consistent.

They rest on one single big win and then, they’re scared to take more risks. Don’t do this!

Get it done, get it out, and get going on the next piece. It’s all a flywheel and will become second nature if you follow the procedures that I’ve laid out for you.

I look forward to continuing “The Mandalorian” series as it progresses and hope you get the chance as well. Even though you may not be marketing a TV series, there are so many marketing takeaways you can obtain just by observing what’s trending in our culture.

Make sure you continue to follow me for more tips, as I bring them directly to you.

Are you and your team struggling with your content marketing efforts on LinkedIn?

Don’t wait around guessing which direction to take.

If you already know you need the extra support

My team and I are here to help!

 Schedule a no-cost consultation today and fill out an application to see if you qualify.

Author: Connor Dube is Co-Founder of the Mile High Mentors Podcast and Partner at ActiveBlogs, an industry leader in LinkedIn social selling and content strategy. Building his first business at seven, he’s gone on to create multiple companies throughout his years in school and has helped his clients add multiple 8-figures to their sales pipeline with his innovative approach to Social Selling. As a current leader in sales and marketing strategy for complex industries, Connor’s been featured in top podcasts, resources, and stages, including MSU Denver’s current sales and marketing curriculum.

Contact Connor to to be a speaker at your event, guest on your podcast, or guest blogger.