Meghan Trainor took the world by a storm with her anti-body shaming smash hit, “All About that Bass.” The Grammy nominated single enchanted listeners around the globe for its unapologetic lyrics about being yourself no matter your size or shape.

While Meghan might be ”All About That Bass,” I’m all about those blogs. Just as she revolutionized the message in modern day music, I believe that blogs are the base of your marketing.

Finding a different beat

It’s easy to get caught up in all the “latest and greatest” marketing tactics and waste time and money scrambling to do what everyone else is doing. But the latest fads aren’t going to make prospects and clients want to work with you — you’ll just waste a whole bunch of money that you could be using elsewhere. Your blog is the foundational piece of your web strategy.

Meghan Trainor didn’t get famous for writing the same old pop song about having a perfect figure and a glamorous lifestyle. Instead, she went against the grain and showed everyone unashamedly who she was and what she really believed. And guess what? People loved it.

The same can be said about your company. People aren’t looking for sales tactics — they want to know who you are and what you can do to help them. That’s where your company blog comes in. It is a way you can have conversations with your target audience and share the news, tips, and advice that they really want to hear. By doing so, potential clients get to know who your business is and will be more willing to turn to you when they need a product or service.

I get it — it can be unsettling to put a blog out there and tell the world what your company is all about. But it may not be as difficult as you think.

Take a little inspiration from Meghan, and conquer these blogging fears and misconceptions that may be holding you back.

Blogging is only for big companies with lots of resources.

As it turns out, blogging is one of the best marketing tactics for small to midsized businesses. Not only is it relatively inexpensive, but it also does wonders for your SEO and thought leadership. The more pieces of content you create, the more likely you are to be found in search results. Given time, your website can compete with the websites of huge companies with hundreds of web pages as you grow your database of keywords and phrases.

Blogs and social media take too much time.

With the plethora of social media sites out there, it can be overwhelming to try to keep them all updated and flourishing. But social media is one of the best ways to connect with current clients and new customers — and businesses are expected to have a thriving social presence. If your social media isn’t being done consistently inside of your business, consider outsourcing the job to experts that will work with your company to increase your social presence.

I’ll never be able to come up with and write enough topics for a blog.

There a lots of people both inside and outside of your company you can turn to for ideas on what to write about. As long as you are providing relevant, helpful information about your company and industry, readers will value it and come back to your website for more. If you find the task too daunting, you can always turn to a full-service content marketing company to create customized, consistent content that your readers will love.

Just like Meghan Trainor, you have a chance to show the world who your company really is through a company blog. Don’t let fear hold you back from giving it a try — chances are, your prospects and customers will love to see your company’s honesty and personality.


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