When it comes to the company blog, content marketing experts have varying definitions of the “right” or “best” metrics to measure. However, are there any “right” metrics to measure? Is there one combination that screams “SUCCESS!” for your program? The answer is “yes,” there is — but what those particular metrics are depends entirely on your company.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, there are 21 metrics that should be considered. Convince and Convert says 10. According to Hubspot, there are just five.

Each source does agree on something, however, as each mentions the importance of measuring:

  • Visitors
  • Subscribers
  • Inbound links
  • Engagement (in one form or another)

While these may be a great general place to start and will provide you with some basic insight into the success of your blog marketing program, the key is to use the metrics that fit best with your business and marketing goals. This might include some (or all) of these suggested metrics, but it also could include further in-depth metrics — such as lead generation, time on site, reader comments, or votes.

To determine which blog metrics are right for your organization, consider evaluating your marketing goals and understand how certain metrics relate to those. Be sure to involve key stakeholders in these conversations to grasp what they understand and what they would be like to see. If you frame your metrics around your goals, you’ll be sure to gain insight into the success of your blog marketing program.

Keep in mind that blog metrics should be meaningful — they should provide information that key players can comprehend and utilize in evaluation.

Active Blogs not only provides full-service content creation but also offers a managed strategy with metric reporting. Visit activeblogs.com to learn more about our services and the metrics we can equip you with!

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